The Children’s Ministry at Rome First UMC is a reflection of the mission of our church. We strive to raise our young children into disciples of Jesus Christ.
The programs we offer encourage spiritual and emotional growth through a mixture of Bible lessons, discussions, music, art, drama, and recreation. We also have child-friendly mission project opportunities.
We also realize the importance of supporting parents. You are the most important role model and guide in your child’s development. It is our goal to nurture a positive parent/child relationship through Christian principles and educational programs.
We invite parents to participate in all areas of Children’s Ministry. The continued strength and growth of this ministry depends on our parent volunteers. Their presence, prayers, and ideas are essential to our ministry.
Of course, the safety of our children is always our first priority and we are a Safe Sanctuaries congregation.
Sunday Mornings at Rome First
Children's Sunday School meets in the children’s space in the Wilder Center
Nursery on Sunday mornings always provided: Located in the Kids’ Hall, 1st floor of the Admin building
“Rome First Children’s Ministry will encourage children to be dedicated followers of Jesus Christ through partnerships with God, family, and community. This will be done as they Love God, Love People, and Serve the World.”