Serve Rome Partners
Serve Rome allows Rome First to fulfill and live out our vision of Serving Rome by Inviting and Welcoming All as Partners in Transformation.
“Inspiritus guides individuals and families on a path from surviving to thriving. We empower those whose lives have been disrupted to discover their strengths and resilience, accompanying them as they grow into vibrant contributors to their community.”
Exchange Club Family Resource Center
“The Family Resource Center helps parents work through the challenges
through our in-home Exchange Parent Aide program and other services. We help families: create safer homes, strengthen their budgeting and stress-management skills, learn ways to help their children grow and develop, enhance behavior management skills, learn and access healthy support systems.”
Rome Symphony Orchestra
“The Oldest Symphony in the South.”
Hospitality House Community Education and Outreach Office
“Through crisis intervention, steadfast support services and community collaboration, Hospitality House for Women Inc. offers a safe, nonjudgmental vessel through which our community and our survivors learn the possibilities and the importance of leading safe, self-sufficient, nonviolent lifestyles.”
One Community United
“Our Mission:
To seek racial harmony and the melding of distinct and separate communities into a more united community. We seek a community where peace and harmony prevail, and fear and mistrust are dispelled.
To be a source of information and outreach to our communities through community events, dialogue and communications leading to improved relationships between communities and educational programs within communities.
To engage in no principal activity other than the promotion, conduct and completion of the purposes of the Corporation and to operate the Corporation solely and exclusively on a benevolent basis.”
ESP - Java Joy
esp exists to create transformative experiences for people with disabilities and their families, changing communities for the better.
“Java Joy is a non-profit program empowered by Extra Special People that spreads unmatched joy through moments of engagement with people of all abilities.”
To create a caring, just, and affirming world for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them.