

Rome First UMC Community Builders Program

Thank you for your interest in building a stronger, intergenerational community in our church family.

This program helps members of our church family build stronger, intergenerational community connections by pairing participants together, providing structured activities to make getting to know them easier, and encouraging participants to serve each other outside of church.

Anyone can participate, but the following groups of people may be most interested:

- College students
- Young families without extended family nearby
- Seniors/retirees without their children/family nearby
- Any church member who wants to make more intergenerational connections or needs help building their village!

How it will work:
- Fill out this form if you or your family is interested in participating
- Volunteers/staff will match up interested folks
- Get to know your "connection partner(s)" through planned activities hosted by RFUMC and through informal activities

Examples of planned activities (TBA)
- Pumpkin patch visit/carving pumpkins/hayride (October)
- Host a chili cook-off/Thanksgiving gathering (November)
- White Elephant exchange for Christmas (December)
- Christmas caroling at nursing homes/assisted living/to shut-ins (December)
- Bowling (January/February)
- Spring picnic with field games (April/May)
- Service opportunities – litter pickup, Community Kitchen, etc. (anytime during the year)

Examples of informal activities (outside of RFUMC)
- Taking the college student/family/senior out for a meal
- Hosting your partner at home for meals, game nights, etc.
- Providing a place for college students to do laundry/quiet place to study
- Taking the college student to Walmart/grocery store for errands
- Hosting out-of-town family members for your partner
- Checking in on seniors/retirees – taking them for appointments if needed; small home repairs and cleaning if needed
- Providing a ride to college students and seniors to church activities or other activities as needed
- Serving the greater Rome community outside of RFUMC