(May 2024) Happy Birthday, Church!

When I was a child, I looked forward to my birthday for months. It was fun to have a party, play games and eat cake. And, of course, the gifts were pretty great, too! As we get older, we may not celebrate our birthdays with quite the same enthusiasm, but it’s still nice that people want to observe the day you entered the world.

Did you know that the church has a birthday, too? It’s Pentecost, the day on which God gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit and the collective work of Christ’s followers began. This is why Pentecost, which is observed 50 days after Easter, is considered the birth of the church. It is a grand celebration of God’s enduring gift of the Holy Spirit and the work the church does through the Spirit’s leading. We will celebrate Pentecost on May 19, so please make plans to be in worship that Sunday.

For many special occasions, including weddings and births, people register for gifts. This year, I want to register on behalf of our church. Here’s what we need:

Your prayers. Pray for Rome First UMC and our leadership team. Pray that we will hear God’s voice and be obedient to what God calls us to do. Pray that we will seek new ways of building relationships in and with our community.

Your presence. Summer is almost here, and many of us will be traveling in the near future or enjoying the outdoor amenities around us. Remember that worship is vital to our spiritual health. Besides, it’s not the same without you. We need one another!

Your gifts. Thank you for your faithfulness to God’s call for generosity! What is the next step for you in your giving? If you’re not yet a regular giver, the next step is to make giving a part of your family’s spending plan each month. If you’re already giving regularly, then the next step is to become a tither, following God’s command to give 10 percent of what we earn back to God. A next step for regular givers and tithers is to remember Rome First in your will or estate planning. Planned gifts such as these have had an incredible impact on our church over the years, providing for many capital improvements and ministries. What legacy would you like to leave?

Your service. If you don’t already have a place to serve in our church, ask God what you can do for the kingdom. Maybe you should be singing in our choir or working with our children or youth. Your gifts may be best used in leading a Bible study or working on one of our committees. The point is that everyone has something to offer to the ministries at Rome First.

Your witness. Everything we do says something about who we say Jesus is. Are we proclaiming a gracious and merciful God whose love is offered freely? Invite someone to join you for worship. You’ll be glad you did.

These are the things our church needs. Thank you for helping provide them! You may recognize these things as being part of our membership vows. When we join a United Methodist church, we pledge to support the church with our prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. This Pentecost, let’s grow in our faithfulness and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. That is cause for celebration, indeed!

