Back to School!

It’s time to hit the books! I love back-to-school season and always have. I was the kid who couldn’t wait to shop for school supplies. The smell of new pencils and crayons represented the creative possibilities in the year ahead. The new lunch box reminded me of all the friends (old and new) I would spend time with at school. But my favorite thing was my beloved Trapper Keeper, the notebook that helped me keep all (or at least most) of my papers together and present some semblance of organization. Even though I couldn’t articulate it as a child, I realize now that all of these learning tools represented hope and possibility to me. That’s what learning is all about. When we learn new things, we can do new things. We can understand new things. We can even become new ourselves. This is a season of hope and possibility, and it’s not just for children, youth and school personnel. Back-to-school season is for ALL of us, because we haven’t learned all there is to know about God or the Bible yet. We are still working on becoming perfect in love (one of John Wesley’s primary aims). And there are still many, many people who don’t yet know that Jesus offers mercy, grace and salvation. What could we learn that might speak to them? Do you want more hope in your life? Do you need to remember all that is possible with God? Then take the next step and commit to learning something new. Pastor Tim and I will be leading a six-week overview of the Old Testament on Wednesday evenings beginning Aug. 28. The study runs from 6:30-8 p.m. and will meet in the Wilder Center. Whether you’ve studied the Old Testament extensively or are new to Bible study, this class will refresh and challenge you. You can register for the study by contacting the church office at (706) 291-8590. Additionally, Dr. Gil Watson’s Wednesday Bible study resumes at noon on Sept. 11 in the Wilder Center Dining Room. No registration is required, just show up! Lastly, Rome First offers Sunday school classes for every age group, including a new one for parents that will be starting later this month. These studies and classes are full of hope and possibility. We have little to lose when we sign up to learn new things, but there’s so much we can gain, from new perspectives to new friends. Don’t let the school bus pass you by. Jump on and let’s study together!